About Us

Best Publisher in El Dorado Hills

Even though we're truly living in the age of the Internet, there's still nothing that can quite compare to the feel of a real, honest-to-goodness book. At Somewhat Sacred Publishing, we strive to publish nothing but the finest books in a wide variety of genres. Our El Dorado Hills-based publishing company has read through reams of manuscripts – some a treat, some not quite as nice – to bring you the highest quality works from emerging and established authors alike. While larger publishing houses are often hamstrung by their size, our agility allows us to adapt to our readership as it grows. If you'd like to discuss our bibliography or submit a manuscript of your own, please get in touch with us on 8325048492

What We Publish

While our bibliography can serve as a good guide to the sort of material we prefer to publish, it's no secret that at Somewhat Sacred Publishing our eyes are carefully trained to look for works that are thought-provoking, ambitious, and elicit that certain something you simply do not find in a lesser work. Some may say this is vague, but we'd reply that truly top-notch writing can appear in any number of ways – and to limit the scope of our publishing unnecessarily would be a grave misstep.

Our Commitment to Authors

The proliferation of the written word has been amazing for humankind, but one undeniable repercussion of this language explosion has been a massive increase in the number of authors competing for publication. We strive to celebrate all writers as often as possible, but sadly we simply do not have the ability to publish every single piece or manuscript – there isn't a publisher on Earth who can. Please don't take it personally if we are unable to publish your piece ourselves.


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